Our Sixth Annual Food Drive is Happening Saturday June 8

The ONEchurch annual food drive is a mosaic of different churches holding food drives in their section of Brantford in coordination with each other. Each church covers its zone with volunteers from all walks of life so that together we can have a greater impact and feed more of our neighbors. Everyone is welcome, anyone can participate.

To sign up, choose the church you would like to volunteer with. You can see which zone each church is covering on the map below. Once you've chosen a church you can select your church from the list and sign up through their page.

ONEchurch Brantford Food Drive in a Nutshell

The 2023 ONEChurch Brantford Food Drive will take place on June 10.

Volunteers will pick up their flyer kits from their church hub. pick-up details will vary by church. Flyers are dropped off between June 1 and June 7 at the homes along each route.

On pick up day (June 10) volunteers will get their food pick-up kits at their church before heading out to their route. The residents who wish to donate will leave their food donations on their front step as instructed by the flyer. Food will be collected by volunteers from the front steps.

We will have "Thank you" and "We've Come and Gone" flyers to be left on the food pick-up day.

Once all the food is collected from a route or the pick-up vehicle is full, teams will return to their church to unload it as directed.

Once at the churches, food will be boxed and stacked for delivery to the food bank!

Further instructions will be sent by email as needed.


…“Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” – Luke 3:11